Thursday, September 11, 2008

A morning of fun!!

Oh what a morning!!!

At least she still has her shoes on.

A morning or fun, well more of a morning of fit throwing. Emma and I got up this morning ate breakfast, watched some news, read some books, played all those fun things. Until I took her shoes off to change her diaper and put her clothes on. First of all she loves shoes, I don't know if that's a good thing at 17 months to love shoes. She already has a closet full and throws a fit if you take her shoes off. She has to have her shoes. When we go to the store she loves to look at the shoes and that's all she talks about, Shoes! But not only did I take her shoes off I took her pj's off and put on a cute white shirt and some pants and that did it. She cried and cried, so we took that outfit off, went and got another, tried to put that on. She cried and cried some more. So then we took that outfit off she ran around the house in her diaper and shoes. Finally I got her to put a dress on. She must take after her mom. When I was little all I wanted to wear was dresses. Shoes, dresses, ans only 17 months. I don't know if I'll make it though teenage years if it's already this bad with shoes and clothes. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If I had one wish!

If I had one wish, There is a lot I would consider. Like having all my bills paid, or having a big nice fancy car, or having a live in nanny who changes all the stinky diapers. Or a dish washer (no I don't have one, well if you ask Jay he would says he does Ha Ha) Maybe I would even wish that I lived by both families. But, no all I want is a big bath tub and a hour by my self. Needless to say that is one thing I don't have or will have probably for a long time. Jay was nice enough last night to take Emma down to the cabins so I could take a bath. And well I was only in my little tiny 1970's blue bath tub for about 15 min. before they got back. I know that is a long time for a mom to have time to herself. But, then when they got home both of them had to come and find me and tell me about all the deer they saw. (Jay is a big hunter.) This picture is our little humble, one and only bathroom.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What a big girl

My little Emma love suckers, and what a mess she makes, but with cute moments like this how can you deny her all the fun stickyness??
The love of a mom for her child is one no one knows until they are you own. My sister-in-law loves all of her kids but, with her littlest, little Annie she said how much she loves everything, even her poop. and that she could just eat it up.( I know that sounds so disgusting but now that I have my own I understand. ) I almost hate to see her grow, I know that one day soon she will come to me and say mom, I am getting married or going off to college. And my sticky sucker moments will only be memories and not messes to clean.

The moments in life that we love pass so quickly that sometimes we forget to cherish even the messy moments that we might not enjoy. we never know what tomorrow will bring.